About GLAM Metal
Glam metal, also known as hair metal or pop metal, is a subgenre of heavy metal, which features pop-influenced hooks and guitar riffs, and borrows heavily from the fashion and image of 1970s glam rock. In the U.S., hair metal was popularized on the Sunset Strip of Los Angeles beginning in the early '80s. At the height of its popularity in the '80s, hair bands had huge radio and MTV hits and were one of the most popular genres in all of music.
Glam metal, cunoscut și sub denumirea de hair metal sau pop metal, este un subgen al rockului, care prezintă riff-uri de chitară influențate de pop și împrumută mult din moda și imaginea glam rockului din anii 1970. În SUA, metalul a fost popularizat pe Sunset Strip din Los Angeles începând cu începutul anilor '80. La apogeul popularității sale în anii '80, tupele au avut hit-uri imense de radio și MTV și au fost unul dintre cele mai populare genuri din toată muzica.

Mötley Crüe
MÖTLEY CRÜE is The World’s Most Notorious Rock Band. Hailing from Los Angeles, CA, the quartet—Vince Neil (vocals), Mick Mars (guitars), Nikki Sixx (bass), and Tommy Lee (drums)— has commandeered the rock pantheon for 38 years.
Mötley Crüe
MÖTLEY CRÜE este cea mai cunoscută trupă rock din lume. Provenind din Los Angeles, CA, - Vince Neil (voce), Mick Mars (chitare), Nikki Sixx (bas) și Tommy Lee (tobe) - a comandat panteonul rock timp de 38 de ani.
Poison is an American heavy metal/glam metal band which achieved commercial success in the mid-1980s through the mid-1990s and has sold 15 million records in the United States. The band has charted ten singles in the Top 40 of the Billboard Hot 100, including six Top 10 singles and the Hot 100 number-one, Every Rose Has Its Thorn. The band's breakthrough debut album, the multi-platinum Look What the Cat Dragged In, was released in 1986, followed by Open Up and Say... Ahh!, which was certified 5× platinum in the US. Their third consecutive multi-platinum selling album was Flesh & Blood. Poison, initially named Paris, was formed in 1983, in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania and consisted of lead vocalist Bret Michaels, guitarist Matt Smith, bassist Bobby Dall and drummer Rikki Rockett.
Poison este o formație americană de heavy metal / glam metal care a obținut succes comercial la mijlocul anilor 1980 până la mijlocul anilor 1990 și a vândut 15 milioane de discuri în Statele Unite. Trupa a clasat zece single-uri în Top 40 din Billboard Hot 100, inclusiv șase single-uri din Top 10 și numărul unu Hot 100, Every Rose Has Its Thorn. Albumul de debut revoluționar al formației, multi-platină Look What the Cat Dragged In, a fost lansat în 1986, urmat de Open Up and Say ... Ahh !, care a fost certificat de 5 ori platină în SUA. Al treilea album consecutiv de vânzare multi-platină a fost Flesh & Blood. Poison, numit inițial Paris, a fost format în 1983, la Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania și era format din vocalistul principal Bret Michaels, chitaristul Matt Smith, basistul Bobby Dall și bateristul Rikki Rockett.

Kiss (often stylized as KIϟϟ) is an American rock band formed in New York City in January 1973 by Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Peter Criss, and Ace Frehley. Well known for its members' face paint and stage outfits, the group rose to prominence in the mid–late 1970s with its shocking live performances, which featured fire breathing, blood-spitting, smoking guitars, shooting rockets, levitating drum kits, and pyrotechnics. The band has gone through several lineup changes, with Stanley and Simmons being the only members to feature in every lineup. The original and best-known lineup consists of Stanley (vocals and rhythm guitar), Simmons (vocals and bass), Frehley (lead guitar and vocals), and Criss (drums and vocals).
With their make-up and costumes, the band members took on the personae of comic book-style characters: the Starchild (Stanley), the Demon (Simmons), the Spaceman or Space Ace (Frehley), and the Catman (Criss). Due to creative differences, both Criss and Frehley had departed the group by 1982.
Kiss (adesea stilizată ca KIϟϟ) este o formație americană de rock formată în New York în ianuarie 1973 de Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Peter Criss și Ace Frehley. Cunoscut pentru vopseaua de față a membrilor și costumele de scenă, grupul a crescut la fața locului la mijlocul - sfârșitul anilor 1970, cu spectacolele sale șocante, care au prezentat respirație de foc, scuipat de sânge, fumat chitare, rachete de tragere, truse de levitare și pirotehnică . Trupa a trecut prin mai multe schimbări de linie, Stanley și Simmons fiind singurii membri care apar în fiecare linie. Formația originală și cea mai cunoscută este formată din Stanley (voce și chitară ritmică), Simmons (voce și bas), Frehley (chitară principală și voce) și Criss (tobe și voce).
Cu machiajul și costumele, membrii trupei au luat personajul unor personaje în stil de benzi desenate: Starchild (Stanley), Demon (Simmons), Spaceman sau Space Ace (Frehley) și Catman (Criss). Datorită diferențelor creative, atât Criss, cât și Frehley au părăsit grupul până în 1982.
Upcoming Event
Stadium Tour
Mötley Crüe, Def Leppard, Poison, Joan Jett & the Blackhearts
Steel Panther Tour
Modern Glam Metal
Exotic Piants
But I must explain to you how all this.
Exotic Piants
But I must explain to you how all this.
Movies about rock music!

The Dirt - 2019
Available on NETFLIX
Based on the bestselling autobiography from Mötley Crüe, the film is an unflinching tale of success and excess as four misfits rise from the streets of Hollywood to the heights of international fame.

Almost Famous - 2000
A high-school boy is given the chance to write a story for Rolling Stone Magazine about an up-and-coming rock band as he accompanies them on their concert tour.

Sing Street - 2016
A boy growing up in Dublin during the 1980s escapes his strained family life by starting a band to impress the mysterious girl he likes.

Rock Of Ages - 2012
A small-town girl and a city boy meet on the Sunset Strip while pursuing their Hollywood dreams.

Bohemian Rhapsody - 2018
The story of the legendary British rock band Queen and lead singer Freddie Mercury, leading up to their famous performance at Live Aid (1985).

The Runaways - 2010
A coming-of-age biographical film about the 1970s teenage all-girl rock band The Runaways. The relationship between band members Cherie Currie and Joan Jett is also explored.

The doors- 1991
The story of the famous and influential 1960s rock band The Doors and its lead singer and composer, Jim Morrison, from his days as a UCLA film student in Los Angeles, to his untimely death in Paris, France at age 27 in 1971.

Walk The Line - 2005
A chronicle of country music legend Johnny Cash's life, from his early days on an Arkansas cotton farm to his rise to fame with Sun Records in Memphis, where he recorded alongside Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Carl Perkins.
Power Ballads
glam metal
Popular Songs
Poison - Unskinny Bop